Currency Converter
Our currency converter is a quick and easy way to access the latest currency exchange rates, updated on an hourly basis. Simply input the desired amount and select the currency you wish to convert from, and the currency you wish to convert to.
As exchange rates change all the time, our currency convertor is a useful tool to monitor an exchange rate across over 100 currencies. Trusted by financial institutions, accountancy firms and individuals globally, whether you’re making an international business payment or buying or selling a property abroad, our foreign exchange and international payments service will enable you to make fast and secure global payments.
Currency Converter Calculator
The currency converter displays mid-market exchange rates, and not NewbridgeFX customer rates.
Fast and secure global payments
Once you have registered our specialists at NewbridgeFX can help you secure an exchange rate, whether you’re a business looking to make an overseas payment or an individual transferring money abroad.
Register for a business account or personal account to access our comprehensive foreign exchange service tailored to your needs.
Multi-Currency Account In Your Company Name
Receive funds from your customers in to your own named collection account, using one account number for all currencies, or a local in-country account number still in your company name.
Create And Manage All Your Beneficiaries
Add and manage your beneficiaries, perform bank account validation & verification checks as you enter your beneficiary details & bulk upload multiple beneficiaries via a CSV file.
Make Fast & Secure Payments To Over 200 Countries
Real time Swift and local payments are settled the same day, within minutes of processing (currency/country dependant), and payment tracking capabilities allow you to keep updated on the payment status.
Multi-Currency Balances
Hold multiple currencies and access balance information in supported currencies. Receive, convert, send and move money between your multi-currency accounts without making payments.
Convert Over 100 Currencies, 24/7, Using Multiple Devices
We provide informative, up to date market news, including updates on currency movements, upcoming economic events and announcements that impact the foreign exchange market.
Real-time Reporting And Tracking
View and track all conversions, payments and incoming funds using our online platform, and receive email notifications when funds have been received, conversions processed and payments released.
Manage Risk
NewbridgeFX offers a specialist service in the deliverable foreign exchange market, promoting a range of products and services, available online or over the phone. Our products have been designed to meet the needs of our clients. A lot of these products are ways for businesses, and individuals, to manage and mitigate currency risk, and are used frequently during times of increased volatility. Alongside up to date foreign exchange related market news, which works in tandem with our range of products.
Spot Contract
Lock in an exchange rate for immediate onward settlement. Funds can be received the same day.
Forward Contract
Lock in an exchange rate today, but for settlement at a later date that suits you, up to 12 months in the future.
Market Order
We monitor the markets real time and take action to trade between currencies when your desired rate is achieved.
Rate Alerts
Set an alert for phone or email notification when an exchange rate has be achieved to take advantage at the best time.
Multi-Currency Account In Your Company Name
Receive funds from your customers in to your own named collection account, using one account number for all currencies, or a local in-country account number still in your company name.
Create And Manage All Your Beneficiaries
Add and manage your beneficiaries, perform bank account validation & verification checks as you enter your beneficiary details & bulk upload multiple beneficiaries via a CSV file.
Make Fast & Secure Payments To Over 200 Countries
Real time Swift and Local payments are settled the same day, for most currencies, within minutes of processing. Live GPI Payment tracking capabilities allow you to keep updated on the payment status.
Multi-Currency Balances
Hold multiple currencies and access balance information in supported currencies. Receive, convert, send and move money between your multi-currency accounts without making payments.
Convert Over 100 Currencies, 24/7, Using Multiple Devices
We provide informative, up to date market news, including updates on currency movements, upcoming economic events and announcements that impact the foreign exchange market.
Real-time Reporting And Tracking
View and track all conversions, payments and incoming funds using our online platform, and receive email notifications when funds have been received, conversions processed and payments released.
Manage Risk
NewbridgeFX offers a specialist service in the deliverable foreign exchange market, promoting a range of products and services, available online or over the phone. Our products have been designed to meet the needs of our clients when sending money overseas, and are ways for businesses, and individuals, to manage and mitigate currency risk.
Spot Contract
Lock in an exchange rate to settle immediately. Funds can be received the same day for most currencies.
Forward Contract
Lock in an exchange rate today, but for settlement at a later date that suits you, up to 12 months in the future.
Market Order
We monitor the markets real time and take action to trade between currencies when your desired rate is achieved.
Rate Alerts
Set an alert for phone or email notification when a rate has been achieved to take advantage at the best time.